Forte Tax & Law » News » The validity of medical documents for foreign nationals has been extended to 12 months and other changes regarding medical examinations to become effective on March 1, 2022
The validity of medical documents for foreign nationals has been extended to 12 months and other changes regarding medical examinations to become effective on March 1, 2022
The Ministry of Health has relaxed the requirements set out in the decree[1] regulating the procedure for foreign nationals to go through medical examinations. These changes were introduced by another decree and consist of the following[2]:
- Medical documents issued to foreign nationals are now valid for 12 months (as opposed to 3 months previously)[3]. Foreign nationals will therefore be required to undergo a medical examination every 12 months, instead of 3 months.
- COVID is excluded from the list of dangerous diseases. This means that no COVID test will be done during medical examinations.

- Age limits have been set for certain types of medical examinations. So, individuals who have reached the age of 13 will go through a chemical-toxicological examination and will be examined by a psychiatrist-narcologist, and people who have reached the age of 18 will have a chest X-ray taken. Children will also have to undergo different tuberculosis tests (Mantoux test) depending on their age.
- The results of medical examinations conducted earlier (no later than 1 year) will be taken into account during the current medical examination.
We believe that this may mean that foreign nationals who already went through a medical examination after December 29, 2021 will not be required to go through another medical examination after March 1, 2022, or will be required to go through only a partial medical examination.
If you have any questions or you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to email Alexandra Yudina or Mika Kokkonen.
Truly yours,
[1] Russian Ministry of Health Decree N 1079n dated November 19, 2021
[2] Russian Ministry of Health Decree N 94n dated February 21, 2022