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An appellate court has ruled on a second court case of transfer pricing[1]. The conclusions of this high-profile case will affect all taxpayers who have entered into cross-border transactions with related parties. This case confirms that it is necessary to thoroughly justify why a transfer pricing method has been selected over another and clearly specify the reasons for rejecting the other methods. This case also shows that approaches traditionally used to justify the selection of a certain transfer pricing method may miss the mark.
Read MoreSt. Petersburg International Business Association (SPIBA) Finance Committee held an event on Thursday November 16, 2017 to discuss the topic of General Director vs. Auditor. Thirty people, including consultants and business representatives, took part in this unusual meeting which was held in a kind of debate.
Read MoreThe Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has been playing an important and very active role in state regulation for a while. Many law firms have set up a separate practice offering special services for liaising with this particular state authority, and others have filled this niche by specializing in resolving issues with the FAS. Anton Kabakov, Partner at Forte Tax &Law, agrees that the FAS has become more active and also talked with Delovoy Peterburg about the demand for antimonopoly compliance from European businesses.
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It will be difficult from 2018 onwards to transfer any property rights to a daughter (subsidiary) company without paying profit tax. It will also become more difficult to increase the net assets of subsidiaries
Read MoreThis seminar was held on October 11, 2017 in Helsinki
Read MoreWith 60% of the votes, our esteemed senior associate Anna Yakovleva ended up among the four elected chairmen.
Read MoreAnton talked in great detail about the issues related to the introduction in the Tax Code of provisions on unjustified tax benefits and also outlined the clearly contentious side of these changes.
Read MoreIn an article published in June, Delovoy Peterburg reported on how much lawyers receive for their representation services in court and on how much litigation costs can be recovered from losing parties.
Read MoreThe deadline for reporting controlled transactions has expired recently, and all the companies that had to report such transactions can now breathe a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, some companies which filed no reports on controlled transactions for 2013 have already received requests from tax authorities enquiring as to why no reports have been filed.
Read MoreIn view of practical issues that foreign nationals have been facing recently, we would like to remind you that amendments to Federal Law N 115-FZ dated 25.07.2002 entered into force on June 30, 2015.
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