Forte Tax & Law » News » Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram) declared extremist and banned in Russia
Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram) declared extremist and banned in Russia
Tverskoy District Court in Moscow ruled on March 22, 2022 that Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram)[1] are extremist organizations in Russia.

What does this mean?
Using Meta logos (brands), as well as Facebook and Instagram may be grounds for bringing companies to administrative liability:
- Public mention of brands without special labeling: Fine of up to RUB 50,000 with confiscation of subject of administrative offense[2];
- Public display of logos: Fine of up to RUB 100,000 with confiscation of subject of administrative offense[3];
- Production and distribution of materials with logo: Fine of up to RUB 1,000,000 with confiscation of materials and equipment, or administrative suspension of the company’s activities for up to 90 days [4].
In addition, we believe that paying for marketing services (direct marketing) on Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram)[1] could be classified as financing of extremist activities, which is grounds for criminal liability[5].
What should be done?
- It is not recommended to use Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram)[1] logos, including on websites, products, email (signature), marketing materials, etc.;
- When mentioning these brands, the following statement should also be included: “The organization’s activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation”;
- Stop advertising and other marketing activities through Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram)[1] accounts.
We will be happy to advise you on the ins and outs of these new rules and on how the above recommendations apply to your company.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this and other legal topics, feel free to write to Anton Kabakov or Artem Eretenko.
Best regards,
[1] Meta’s activity is banned in the Russian Federation
[2] Article 13.15(2) Russian Code of Administrative Offenses
[3] Article 20.3 Russian Code of Administrative Offenses
[4] Article 20.29 Russian Code of Administrative Offenses
[5] Article 282.3 Criminal Code