Forte Tax & Law » News » Business trips to Russia under COVID-19 restrictions and changes in the list of countries whose nationals may enter Russia
Business trips to Russia under COVID-19 restrictions and changes in the list of countries whose nationals may enter Russia
The Russian government continues easing the restrictions on entry to Russia:
- Government Decree No. 1291-r dated May 18, 2021 authorizes certain categories of foreign nationals to enter Russia for business purposes;
- Government Decree No. 1342-r dated May 24, 2021 expands the list of countries whose nationals may freely enter Russia.

Business trips
Many questions have been raised in practice regarding the possible entry of foreign nationals to conduct negotiations or for other similar business purposes.
Only a very small group of foreign nationals is in fact allowed entry for business purposes, namely:
- Foreign investors who own or manage a legal entity operating in the Russian Federation;
- Foreign investors who are due to participate in negotiations on the implementation of an investment project in the Russian Federation;
- Foreign investors who are due to sign agreements/contracts for the implementation of an investment project in the Russian Federation.
Lists of such persons are made according to the approved procedure and are approved by the executives of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where the relevant investment project is to be implemented as well as by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.
New countries in the list of countries whose nationals may enter Russia
From May 24, 2021 onwards, nationals from the following countries will be allowed to enter Russia:
- Iceland
- Malta
- Mexico
- Portugal
- Saudi Arabia
People who have a residence permit or other document confirming their right of permanent in these countries will also be allowed to enter Russia.
For more information, please call or email us::
Anne Rossinen
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