Forte Tax & Law » News » Nota Bene: In addition to the much-talked-about QR-codes St. Petersburg government has introduced new obligations for employers
Nota Bene: In addition to the much-talked-about QR-codes St. Petersburg government has introduced new obligations for employers
Amendments to St. Petersburg Government Decree No. 121 providing for anti-coronavirus measures were published on October 18, 2021. These amendments have introduced the following obligations:
- Organizations and individual entrepreneurs have until October 25, 2021 to update the details of employees (or contractors under civil law agreements) switched to remote work. To do so, organizations and individual entrepreneurs must provide these details via their account on the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Support website.

- From November 15, 2021 onwards, organizations and individual entrepreneurs specified in Item 1.1 of St. Petersburg Chief Sanitary Doctor Order will be allowed to operate only if the following conditions are met:
- At least 80% of their total number of employees should have their first vaccine dose or a single-dose vaccine jab by November 15, 2021 and their second vaccine dose by December 15, 2021;
- wareness of coronavirus infection should be raised among workers and employees.
- From November 1, 2021 to November 3, 2021, employers (companies) must ensure that their employees (contractors under civil law contracts) other than those over the age of 65 and employees with chronic diseases are switched to remote work. This rule does not apply to employees whose presence in the workplace is critical for the company’s operations.
Rospotrebnadzor has yet to clarify how to make up the 80% of employees who are subject to mandatory vaccination. Moreover, companies or individual entrepreneurs may have questions about what to do with employees who refuse to get vaccinated and about the consequences that could arise for them in such case.
We look forward to providing you with more detailed information on anti-coronavirus requirements mandatory for companies in St. Petersburg, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Julia Talagaeva or Ekaterina Belyaeva.
Truly yours,