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New COVID-19 restrictions and rules in St. Petersburg
The governor of St. Petersburg signed today on October 22nd St. Petersburg Government Decree No. 863 (further the “Decree”) amending St. Petersburg Government Decree No. 121 dated March 13, 2020. This decree introduces new rules and restrictions on the activities of enterprises and imposes obligations on individuals.

Restrictions and rules effective today
- Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) that have no QR code and whose activities are not prohibited or restricted have until November 01, 2020 to:
- Adopt internal regulations setting standards for safe activity;
- Obtain a unique QR code confirming that they are ready to comply with standards for safe activity. QR codes are issued by the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Support. You can find out about the procedure for QR code issuance here.
- Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) that obtained a QR code previously and have more than one business address have until November 01, 2020 to:
- Obtain a QR code for each address of place of business;
- Comply with the requirements set out in St. Petersburg government decrees and Rospotrebnadzor recommendations at each address of place of business.
- Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) must send lists of telephone numbers of employees (contractors working under a civil law contract) over the age of 65 who have not been transferred to remote work together with the reasons for not transferring these employees to remote work. These lists must be sent by October 26, 2020 to St. Petersburg Committee for Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade through the website of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Support.
This information is to be updated by organizations and individual entrepreneurs.
- It is recommended to take measures to transfer as many employees (contractors working under a civil law contract) as possible to remote work, as well as keep employees previously transferred to remote work working remotely.
- As a recommendation to organizations and individual entrepreneurs, the Decree requests suspending until November 29, 2020 entertainment and ceremonial events requiring in-person attendance.
Restrictions and rules effective as of October 26, 2020
- Children’s playrooms of at most 50 m2 located in retail facilities, catering establishments, entertainment centers, and shopping centers are excluded from the ban on access which is valid until November 29, 2020.
- Restaurants, cafés, cafeterias, bars, snack bars, and other catering establishments (including those in hotels and other lodging facilities) will not be allowed to operate from 23:00 to 06:00 until November 29, 2020.
An exception to this rule is the delivery of orders to homes, businesses (organizations), and hotel rooms. This rule also does not apply to catering establishments operating in train stations, airports, and petrol stations, and people may visit these places at the specified time.
- Leisure and entertainment activities are prohibited in catering establishments until November 29, 2020, except for children’s playrooms of at most 50 m2.
- Until November 29, 2020, people are required to use personal protective equipment (PPE), i.e. masks and gloves, when they visit the premises of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as in all types of transport (including taxis). Carriers are entitled not to transport people without PPE.
The Decree also requires organizations and individual entrepreneurs to display their QR code.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Julia Talagaeva or Ekaterina Belyaeva.
Truly yours,