Forte Tax & Law » News » Entry to Russia for foreign HQS
Entry to Russia for foreign HQS
Dear Colleagues, Clients, Partners, and Friends,
This is to remind you that foreign nationals with the status of highly qualified specialists (HQS) and their family members must, among other things, obtain an entry permit to enter Russia through land borders. This requirement does not apply to foreign nationals who travel to Russia by plane provided that they are citizens of countries included in the list of those allowed to enter Russia by air. This does not apply to HQS that have a family member who is a Russian citizen living in Russia.

HQS arriving in Russia by car or any other land transport as well as their family members must obtain their entry permit in advance before entering the country.
Entry permits will also be required for HQS and their family members entering Russia by any means of transport, including by plane, if these foreign nationals are not citizens of countries included in the list of those allowed to enter Russia by air.
We will be happy to assist you in obtaining such entry permits for HQS. To find out more about these services, click here.
Best regards,
The Forte Tax & Law Team