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Kommersant published this week its annual rating of the leaders in the Russian legal services market. We are pleased to announce that this year Kommersant ranked Forte Tax & Law among the best practices in the country in the category Tax Law: Consulting.
Read MoreThe World Bank has published its annual report Doing Business 2020. As in previous years, the World Bank invited Anton Kabakov, partner at Forte Tax & Law, to contribute to the new edition of Doing Business. Anton was involved to contribute to the tax part of the report by giving his assessment of the Russian tax system.
Read MoreThe legal rating of Delovoy Peterburg, which comes out every year, not only acknowledges the year’s most outstanding lawyers, but also ranks law firms by branches of law based on the cases submitted for review. We are proud to announce that a case handled by Forte Tax & Law has been recognized by Delovoy Peterburg rating as a watershed case in the category of Customs Disputes.
Read rating awarding ceremony was held in Moscow on December 05, 2019. The expertise of Forte Tax & Law was highly praised in several areas of law.
Read MoreThe annual World Transfer Pricing rating compiled by International Tax Review was published not so long ago. We are pleased to announce that Forte Tax & Law transfer pricing practice was rated among the best in Russia.
Read MoreThe presidential commissioner for protection of entrepreneurs’ rights together with the Federal Tax Service of Russia have conducted tests on the Tax Calculator service which has been devised to alleviate pressure on entrepreneurs and increase their tax literacy. The Forte Tax & Law team was honored to take part in this service testing and prepared a number of suggestions for its improvement.
Read MoreWe are delighted to announce that Mikhail Borodin has joined Forte Tax & Law as counsel. Mikhail will also head Forte Tax & Law German Desk which is also a new addition to the firm.
Read MoreThe oldest international rating Best Lawyers published today for the eleventh time its list of Best Lawyers in Russia 2020.
Anton Kabakov, Partner at Forte Tax & Law, has been listed in this rating among the country’s leading tax lawyers.
On the eve of the annual St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 2019, Kommersant newspaper conducted a survey among the regular Forum participants which are major players on the market of legal services. These participants were asked to share their impressions of previous forums as well as their expectations for this year.
Read MoreThe head of the representative office of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the North-West Federal District recently thanked personally Anton Kabakov, Partner at Forte Tax & Law, for his active involvement in ongoing projects and initiatives in the region.
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