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Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many employees have been working from home, and Russian authorities have, as a result, been compelled to change the provisions of the Labor Code regulating remote work.
Read MoreOn July 31, 2020, the President of Russia signed a law that introduces significant changes to how taxation of the IT industry is regulated . The President gave an outline of these changes already on June 23, 2020 in yet another address to the nation, proposing to reduce the total social insurance contribution rate for the IT industry down to 7.6% and the profit tax rate down to 3% (instead of 20%).
Read MoreThe President of Russia addressed the nation once again on June 23, 2020 and announced, among other things, that we are to expect important tax changes in 2021.
Read MoreThe President of Russia signed on June 15, 2020 a decree that extends until September 15, 2020 the validity term of temporary stay or permanent residence of foreign nationals and stateless persons in Russia if they expire before that date.
Read MoreOn May 22, 2020, the State Duma passed in the third and final reading a law on emergency measures to support the economy amid the spread of coronavirus.
Read MoreThe President announced the end of the period of non-working days in Russia on May 11, 2020[1]. What does this mean for business? Which organizations can return to work and how? You will find below the brief comments we have prepared regarding the most important issues.
Read MoreThe Federal Tax Service has explained how small and medium enterprises should apply reduced social insurance contribution rates.
Read MorePlease bear in mind that from April 13, 2020 to December 31, 2020 employers are required to post a number of changes to the national job vacancy database if applicable.
Read MoreThe government has set new deadlines for submitting information on staff employment to the Pension Fund (Form SZV-TD). This form must be submitted today April 28, 2020 if any employees were fired or hired in April (please see below for more detailed information).
Read More“Anti-virus” Federal Law No. 98-FZ Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Emergency Prevention and Mitigation (further “Law No. 98-FZ”) was officially published and became effective on April 01, 2020.
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