Forte Tax & Law » News » Anton Kabakov moderated #SPIBATaxTalks on the application of Article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code
Anton Kabakov moderated #SPIBATaxTalks on the application of Article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code
The latest #SPIBATaxTalks meeting was held on April 27 to discuss the current practice in the application of Article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code. As usual, the moderator of this meeting was Anton Kabakov, partner at Forte Tax & Law.

General anti-tax evasion regulations, Article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code, as well as the much-talked-about letter of the Federal Tax Service on the practice of its application were discussed at the meeting.
The discussion at the meeting was very lively, and the participants needed more than the allocated time to discuss all the issues related to the meeting topic. It was therefore decided to continue discussing this matter at a future #SPIBATaxTalks meeting which will address issues such as SAAR vs GAAR, search of beneficiaries, unjustified tax benefits, and how tax is turning into a sanction after the letter from the Federal Tax Service.